Bring it back

Honestly, where have the past 2 years gone? Like so many, I fell into a bit of a pandemic haze for a minute there, a routine of sorts with a lot of time spent indoors, the hours and days and weeks and months often kind of blending together. I made some new art objects during 2020, but for much of 2021, I didn’t make much. It’s like I had a delayed reaction with the processing work I needed to do post-2020, and eventually it all caught up with me (like it always does). The good news is, I more or less worked my way out of my creative rut, and I’m showing up to my studio much more consistently so far in 2022. Somehow, at the end of 2021, I found a mysterious source of motivation and it was like rocket fuel - I joined an arts collective in Philly called Pink Noise Projects and made a new installation for one of their shows, I took on more responsibility at work, then I moved, and then I changed jobs. These days I’m feeling pretty okay with where I’m at, but the road to get there in recent years has certainly been strange.

Will keep y’all updated on creative news - right now I’m building out a body of work for a small solo show, which I’m honestly due for. It’s been a long minute since I had a show all to myself, and some of the installs I want to feature will contain objects that I have literally been working on since 2016 (again, where does time go lol). After this body of work is pushed out into the world, I think I need to figure out a way to make my work more quickly, since the labor-intensive stuff I’ve been making for such a long while can be really tough to fit into my life as I get older and feel pulled in multiple directions in any given week. But again, feeling good - which feels like a win. Looking forward to warmer spring weather, doing things outside, and catching up! Xo